
Urban Gardens 2

All of us today are concerned with improving the health and sustainability of our family, our city and the environment. Nowhere is this more evident than in the food and drinks industry. Fresh, Green, Organic and Natural are marketing totems of the new world. Home Grown is the new icon.

ARGO SCIENCES2 has spent two years perfecting and demonstrating the Herb Garden Tower. Our aim is to provide a restaurant chain with:

  • Improve supply efficiency. To replace the traditional sources of herbs with far cheaper, fresher herbs grown on site – home grown.
  • Annual and cumulative benefits. To improve restaurant occupancy, cost management, profitability, and external PR.

ARGO SCIENCES Test is a polymathic company that builds up to the minute corporate solutions using newly proven and established technologies to sustain the environment. It works closely with James Cooke Enterprises and is based in Vero Beach Florida.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.